my journal

This is where I collect most of my writings or anything that I've written/elaborated in a text format.
This section was supposed to be a diary, but I didn't want to solely record my thoughts and feelings, so now it's a journal!
It's messier, confusing and 120% more awesome!

Brain dump ↓


Anddd we're online!
These past days have been a real hassle, but I'm trying to stay positive remember lol? We're back to school, and it means less web learning and more useless learning.
Learning about web development in these past holiday weeks has really taken my mind off a lot of things. Being focused at working on something is great, and neocities was a great time filler in dead days.
The site is nowhere near where I would love it to be, but at the moment I'm happy it looks fine when hosted externally!
I still have to add some of my writings, poems, photos and goodies!


Recently, I've realized that much of what I write tends to be overwhelmingly negative or emotionally charged.
Whenever days drift by void of any particular feelings, I find little motivation to write.
I should start trying my best to capture more happy moments!

Also happy new year!


Sometimes I wish I could just shut off my ears.
So many days would pass by so much smoothly; painlessly, without useless dialog and the clinging of words.
I hate when I can't detach myself from what others are saying, and in particular about me.
The endless endless jabber. Nevertheless not as annoying as shouting. It's a hateful trait of people; sometimes I fall into it as well when I lose my temper.
Shouting and insults that I can hear whispering in my shower's stream of water. The drops bring me back to myself, thankfully.
Still, peace is what I long for. Not deafness.


First journal log!
I will write here sporadically as I already have the duty to keep my diary on check!
Expect mostly melancholic logs here, simply because if I decided to take my laptop and update this particular page to add something, it means I am in a particular mood lmao.

I'm still working hard on learning HTML and writing parts of this site locally on my computer, and I'm making great progress thanks to online forums! I think neocities websites are awesome and I'm writing this journal entry to test how things will look! Say cheeseeeeeeeeeee