about me
Hello! I'm Alice, the webmaster of— you guessed it— alice is online! :^)
I've just learned enough HTML and CSS to piece together this website with duct tape and love.
I'm 16, and I like to share what goes on in my mind sometimes- which is why this site was born!
favourite music
I don't really have a favourite genre or a favourite band.
I think music qualifies as 'good music' when it emphasizes self-expression and portrays in a sympathetic way the burden of being.
For me the value of a song isn't determined by the lyrics alone, but in the experience the author seeks to gift me through their piece.
Indie, rock, metal, some classical pieces, bossa nova, ambiental, pop and some nightcore in the mix!
books I like
I loooove reading, and since styling a list of all the books I read would clutter the whole page, I'm going to pick just a few titles instead.
- Siddhartha (read it just once but stuck with me ever since. the way hesse describes the abstract nature of our personal identity through the story of siddharta is eye-opening to say the least. to recognize that our egos are simply characters we've built throughout our lives. to consciously notice that 'we' never existed)
- 1984 (setting aside the dystopian future and all of that jazz, what stuck with me from 1984 was the relationship between the protagonist and the female state spy. upon capture and torture, they each turn against each other and wish for their pain to be inflicted upon the other lover instead. I really wished their love could survive that imprisonment, but ultimately, the state had won. their thoughts brainwashed. would I have done the same in that situation—betraying the love of my life? my mind returns to that jail cell anytime love is mentioned. can I ever truly love someone?)
- Unknown book about computers for the general public written in 1980s. found at a thrift store (loved the religious charm the book had to it. the author approached the topic in a very philosophical manner. it was fascinating to read through the promises the internet held for the people of the 80s. online chatrooms, computer jobs, computer software and AI. instant information)
But I also love psychological horror titles, a good dose of love romances and your usual existentialism/nihilism-mental-illnesses-inducing titles :).
movies I thought were nice
Movies aren't that great of a passion for me. I can't stand sitting in front of a TV for too long, so I end up not watching them as much.
- Orphan (this struck a deep chord. the actress performs phenomely and the ending just left me speechless. a great psychological horror movie all-around)
- Under the Skin (amazing artistic movie. every detail is perfectly calculated, and the scenography is very symbolic. the existential horror it provokes is singular)
- Shrek (all time favourite animated movie probably. it's a classic and it's great in every way, stop)
- Man on Fire (one of the only movies that made me actually tear up in the ending. it probably happened because I was quite little and watched it with my dad on TV. it reminds me of him)
- Pulp Fiction (couldn't grasp the deeper meaning and hype the movie had going for it honestly. it has quite a few fun moments, but also too many gross ones)
misc... aaa
Too lazy to complete this section... maybe later -_-